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August 2018
Latex on thin canvas, rubber tree scares latex print, pink stimulant.
Project in the rubber fabric : Plantaciones de hule de Palenque sapi de cv, Chiapas, Mexico.

I made an exhibition at the entrance of the process site: rubber transformation in latex.
I installed a latex fabric stretched between two Hevea trees, found almost in its center: a print of the tree’s scars, formed by the daily stings made on a precise point of the trunc.

This photo is to the honor of the hidden laborer that are the picadores, the night workers extracting the rubber, notching the tree bark, armed with ther knifes, and the hard work they carry out along the night between 2 and 7 am. After having applicated the pink stimulant to favorize the bleeding of the tree, they have torn the latex canvas.

Gracias a los picadores Raymundo Pérez García, Antonio, Daniel y Manuel Gomez Lopez, Eliseo Vázques Arcos.


Making of with the employees of the rubber fabric.

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